Supermodel Kate Moss‘ sister, Lottie Moss, cautioned people against using the weight loss drug Ozempic after she was hospitalized and nearly died.

“This is a warning to everyone. Please, if you’re thinking of taking it, do not take it, it’s so not worth it,” Lottie, 26, urged during the Wednesday, September 11, episode of her “Dream On” podcast.

She added, “I would rather die any day than take it again. It made me feel so nauseous.”

Lottie explained how despite being at a normal weight, she ended up taking the semaglutide that was first developed for diabetes patients.

“A few months ago, I was not feeling happy about my weight, I had a friend, and she could get it for me,” she stated.

The model revealed she didn’t see a doctor to get evaluated for a prescription and that’s when things went horribly wrong.

Kate Moss' Sister Lottie Almost Died From Ozempic Overdose
Lia Toby/BFC/Getty Images

“It was below board, from a doctor, but it wasn’t like you go into a doctor’s office and he prescribes it for you, takes your blood pressure, and takes tests, which is what you need when you go on something like Ozempic,” Lottie said. “At the end of the day it is a medication, it is dangerous and really meant for weight loss of people of a very large size.”

The England native said she weighed approximately 132 pounds when she began taking the semaglutide. After her first dose of Ozempic, her weight dropped to 125 pounds and following her second round, it plummeted to 116 pounds.

‘When I was taking it, the amount that I was taking was meant for people who are 100 kilos,” Lottie continued, which converts to about 220 pounds.

“I took it for two weeks. It comes with a pen and different doses, you take one injection one week, one injection the next week and you take every week, and I’ve never felt sicker in my life,” she described.

“I was throwing up, it was horrible. I took a lower dosage the first time I took it then I went up higher. I ended up being in bed for two days, felt so sick, my weight had dropped,” the OnlyFans star added.

At her lowest weight, Lottie became severely dehydrated and began suffering seizures. She was unable to keep food or water down as well.

A friend rushed her to the hospital and upon arriving in her room, Lottie had another seizure. She described it as “honestly one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me in my life.”

“My friend Reece had to hold my feet down and it was just so scary, the whole situation, I didn’t know what was going on, my face was clenching up, my whole body was tense, my hands, it was so weird, your hands clench up and you can’t move them and it feels like you’re going to break your hand. It was honestly horrible,” Lottie recalled.

“I hope that by me talking about this, [it] can maybe be a lesson to some people that it’s so not worth it, and it’s for diabetes — it’s not for weight loss, really,” she acknowledged.

Lottie then touched on how she fears the ultra-skinny “heroin chic” look from almost 30 years ago is making a comeback. Her sister, Kate, became famous for her thin frame and was the topic of concern after being featured in a series of 1996 Calvin Klein ads.

“This ‘heroin chic’ trend is coming back, which was something that happened in the ’90s. Like, we should not be going back there. This should not be a trend right now. Where did the body positivity go? I don’t understand,” she pondered on the podcast.

Kate Moss' Sister Lottie Almost Died From Ozempic Overdose
David M. Benett/Getty Images for Topshop

Kate and Lottie have a 24-year age gap. The women share the same father, Peter Moss. Kate was born in 1974 during his marriage to Linda Shepherd. After their divorce, Peter went on to marry model Inger Moss, and the couple welcomed Lottie in 1998.

Despite both working in modeling, the sisters aren’t close.

“When I started out, I was always just ‘Kate Moss’s sister.’ That was really hard for me growing up, especially not being that close with my sister (we still don’t really have a relationship now, which is something I never really speak about),” Lottie wrote in a 2022 essay for Glamour U.K.

She continued, “It’s hard when you have someone ‘close’ to you doing the exact same job as you, who’s already very prominent in the industry, but not having any advice or guidance.”