New York City’s fashion scene thrives on a potent mix of creativity and hustle. Among the vibrant list of designers making waves, Nadeem Waheed stands out not just for his label, Daniel’s Leather, but also for his unwavering commitment to giving back.

Originally hailing from Pakistan, Nadeem came to the US to pursue a degree in civil engineering, eventually earning a Masters in Environmental Engineering. While his studies laid the groundwork for a potentially traditional career path, fate intervened. Through connections with friends in Pakistan’s leather industry, Nadeem received a shipment of leather jackets. This seemingly random event sparked a business venture that would redefine his future.

Working on a construction project in Camden, New Jersey, Nadeem took a chance and offered the jackets to his fellow workers. Within a mere three days, all 100 jackets were sold. This experience resonated deeply with Nadeem. Perhaps it was the entrepreneurial spirit instilled by his father, a successful businessman himself, or maybe it was a natural aptitude for spotting opportunities.

Whatever the reason, this moment planted the seed from which Daniel’s Leather would eventually blossom. Today, Daniel’s Leather boasts a loyal clientele that includes A List celebrities including DJ Khaled, Nas, Ashanti and more.

Nadeem Waheed
Daniel’s Leather

However, a quick scroll through Nadeem’s history reveals a man deeply invested in something far bigger than just fashion. His legacy is a mix of stunning creations as well as heartwarming stories about his philanthropic endeavors.

In a recent appearance on the popular radio show “The Sitdown with EmEz,” Nadeem’s genuine desire to help came shining through. When host EmEz mentioned Nadeem’s reputation for community involvement, Nadeem shared a powerful story. After the horrific earthquake in Turkey in early 2023, a follower reached out to the designer, requesting winter coats for the affected community. Without hesitation, Nadeem located an NYC based donation center and sent 100 coats, exemplifying his belief in immediate action.

“We don’t want to announce that we are doing charity,” Nadeem admitted, “but then there are situations like the way it is right now, where we feel that when I tell people that we’re doing it, it gives them an idea to go ahead and do it too.”

However, this act of generosity isn’t new for the Pakistani designer. In 2018, Nadeem’s brand Daniel’s Leather collaborated with Cardi B during her visit to the Marlboro public housing project near Coney Island in Brooklyn, and ended up donating over 400 warm coats and leather jackets to the community before the harsh Brooklyn winters began. Talking about this collab with the Source, Nadeem said, “Yes we gave away about 400 to 500 jackets with Cardi B alone, there’s no greater joy than giving.”

Similarly in 2020, a CBS2 report highlighted schools lacking proper ventilation systems during Covid, forcing teachers to keep the windows open despite the cold weather. This left students freezing and unable to focus on their education. Upon stumbling across the report, Nadeem decided to give away coats to students in such schools. Within 24 hours, he created a voucher program for students in need to pick up a coat at his store. He believed his waterproof coats were perfect for keeping students warm and dry during winter and wasted no time in coming to their rescue. “We wondered what was the fastest kind of action that we can do, at least until they find something else?” Nadeem told CBS News. “And we said, what could be better than our coats keeping them warm?”

For three consecutive years, Nadeem Waheed partnered with Lala Anthony, contributing 200 coats each time for her “Lala’s Wonderland” initiative. He’s also extended his generosity beyond New York City, collaborating with the LeBron James Family Foundation to donate 600 coats to students in Akron, Ohio. Most recently, in January 2023, Nadeem teamed up with French Montana for a jacket giveaway in the South Bronx and Mott Haven, where 200 community members were able to choose their own winter gear. These examples showcase Daniel’s Leather’s commitment to making a real difference in the lives of those in need.

But why the coats? Nadeem recognizes the power of a warm coat. It’s not just about fashion; it’s about providing a basic necessity that can bring comfort and dignity in the face of hardship.

Wearing a Daniel’s Leather creation isn’t just about owning a luxurious faux fur coat; it’s about supporting a brand that embodies social responsibility. Nadeem Waheed is a living testament to the fact that success in the fashion industry can be intertwined with genuine compassion. So, the next time you see a celebrity rocking a sleek Daniel’s Leather coat, remember the story behind the brand – a story of exquisite design woven together with a heart dedicated to making a difference. After all, true style extends far beyond the runway.

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