Let’s say you’ve just moved to a new city and don’t know anyone there. Does the idea of making a new circle of friends seem daunting? If so, that’s a natural reaction. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

A new app makes finding your kindred spirits easier than ever. Called Crossed, its one-of-a-kind approach opens up a whole new way to connect. The brainchild of co-founders Manny Manzel and Conor Crighton, Crossed is the perfect app for anyone looking for authentic relationships.

How Crossed works

The good news is that Crossed is different from other social networking apps you may have tried in the past. Gone are the days when you needed to swipe endlessly until boredom and despair made you drop your phone. To meet other people using Crossed, all you have to do is live your everyday life, doing what you usually do and going where you typically go.

That’s because Crossed is based on next-generation geolocation technology. The app establishes a 150-meter zone around each user as they live their daily lives. When these zones register coordinates similar enough for two different members of the community, they are alerted to the possible connection.

“They might be in the weight room while you’re in the pool, but you will both have an interest in fitness in common,” says founder and CEO of Crossed Manny Manzel. “Maybe you both love browsing in used bookstores or shopping at a certain department store. Maybe you’re a member of an art museum and go to every temporary exhibit, just like them. Crossed can point you toward people who like spending time the same way you do.”

In addition, Crossed can be used for more than just making friends.

Friends, Colleagues, and Dates

While making friends is one of the most popular ways to use Crossed, that’s not all it can do.

“When you create an account on Crossed, you tell the system what your main motivations are,” Manzel explains. “There are three choices, and dating is just one of them. The other two are friendship and business.”

Having access to new connections on all three of these modes can jumpstart your social life, whether or not you’ve just moved to a new city. However, if you are only interested in meeting people for a certain reason, never fear. All three modes are completely separate.

If you just want to make friends, you never have to worry about your profile appearing on the Dating or Business interfaces. Every user decides which modes they want to be active on. It’s also possible to screen out anyone who might be in a mode you aren’t on yourself. That way, you can ensure you’re both on the same page from the start.

Members of the Crossed community also create profiles for each separate mode. If you choose to be active in all three modes, then you can have up to three separate profiles.

The Inspiration for Crossed

Manzel and Crighton invented Crossed because they were fed up with traditional social networking apps. Both felt frustrated about how impersonal and superficial social networking apps were. They were also tired of being matched with people who were prohibitively far away.

These struggles will resonate with most people. Indeed, 78 percent of respondents in a recent survey described themselves as being “burnt out” on dating apps.

Looking for a way to foster meaningful connections, Manzel and Crighton realized the vital role that geolocation technology could play in revolutionizing how people meet. This advanced technology has the potential to launch a whole new era of human interaction.

Manzel and Crighton’s groundbreaking app protects these interactions with the highest levels of security.

How Crossed protects users’ privacy

Crossed uses the most robust security protocols possible to shield the app’s users. It uses a tool called Plaid that banks use to protect financial information. Users are also encouraged to verify their identities on the platform, which reassures others that they always know who they are talking to. That capability is important at a time when other platforms tend to be infested with catfish — people pretending to be someone they’re not. The app also encrypts all messages and other communications users exchange on the platform.

Crossed also gives users the chance to pre-screen their possible connections, ensuring only the people they want to see their profile will do so.

“Crossed takes user safety and privacy seriously by offering a ‘SafeMode’ option that allows you to decide when and how to show your profile to each prospective match,” Manzel says. “SafeMode ensures you’re in control when you are open to connecting with others and when they can learn more about you.”

In this way, Crossed ensures everyone feels safe and comfortable using the platform at all times.

Start forging new connections today

Crossed is the social networking app of the future. Thanks to its proprietary geolocation technology, three versatile modes, and ironclad security, users can start putting names to the faces they see around them daily. To start forging new connections in your local community, register on Crossed and build your own profile today. Your future self will thank you for it.


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